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Important Announcement
This is a unified Website for K-NET and KiK-net, the NIED strong-motion seismograph networks. Strong-motion data are available from the download pages listed in the menubar above. For first-time visitors, please see an introduction of K-NET and KiK-net.
For First-time Visitors
   * About Strong-motion Seismograph Networks
      (K-NET, KiK-net)
  K-NET is a network of strong-motion seismographs installed at approximately 1,000 locations nationwide.
KiK-net consists of pairs of strong-motion seismographs installed in a borehole and on the ground surface.
   * About User Registration
  User registration is required to download strong-motion data.
   * Easy Download
  You can download the strong-motion data in the simplest way from this page.
K-NET & KiK-net Data Due to the Latest
36.10N 139.90E 050km M4.3
->Details     Download All Data
NIED Home Home page of the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED).
Center for Earthquake, Tsunami and Volcano Observation Research, NIED (in Japanese) Home page of Center for Earthquake, Tsunami and Volcano Observation Research, NIED.
Hi-net (in Japanese) Hi-net is an observation network composed of high-sensitivity seismographs deployed at approximately 800 locations nationwide. The seismographs are installed in boreholes at least 100-m below ground level. At most of Hi-net stations, KiK-net seismographs are installed in a borehole and on the ground surface. Hi-net is capable of detecting seismic motions that are too weak to be felt by humans.
F-net F-net is an observation network composed of broadband seismographs deployed at approximately 70 locations nationwide. F-net is capable of accurately detecting very slow seismic waves propagating several times around the earth, caused by large earthquakes.
J-SHIS J-SHIS (Japan Seismic Hazard Information Station) was established to help prevent and prepare for earthquake disaster by providing a public portal for seismic hazard information across Japan.
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Kyoshin Monitor / LPGM Monitor
Kyoshin Monitor
  Kyoshin Monitor visualizes the current ground motions in real time and continuously from ordinary time to the case of the strong shaking.
It also visualize the real-time forecast of seismic intensity when an earthquake occurs.
LPGM Monitor
  LPGM Monitor visualizes the real-time observation and forecast data for Long Period Ground Motion (LPGM).